My Favorites links
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Here is some hyperlinks contain a very good shareware, even freeware to download.
Shareware Shopping malls
PC World Online - The Best Shareware library - something to download to be
Jumbo - An elephant -size archive indexes shareware files
Tucows - The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software
Happy Puppy - Popular collection of games and entertainment software - a lot of shareware program is in here
Hi-Tech Help - Best place when you trying to solve a Windows 95(r) problem
Microsoft's Konwledge Base - Does Bill know about this ?
Microsoft Powertoys - Toys for Windows 95(r)
Frank Condron's World O' Windows - There is some great tips, updated drivers, news and etc.
McAfee Viruscan - One of the best shareware antivirus in the world
Winzip 6.2 - Windows-based ZIP engine (shareware)
Pretty Good Privacy 2.6.2 - Encryption program for e-mail and etc
Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 - Reader for Adobe Portable Document
Free Internet Services - Vanity e-mail address service - Free Web Based e-mail address - Another Free Web Based e-mail address
Pegasus Mail - An e-mail programs - Surfing anonymously in the Net
FreeLoader - Tools to Download Web sites for later browsing
Get the Pictures and Fonts
Andy's Art Attack - Here are dozen of useful and entertaining backgrounds, bullets, icons, etc for Web pages
The Design Shoppe - A collection of distinctive bullets, dividers, arrows etc.
AJ's Desktop Themes - Exciting Desktop themes for Windows 95(r)
Windows 95 and Mac Joke Wallpaper - Humorous desktop wallpaper for Windows 95(r) and NT(r)
Astigmatic One Eye - Commercial Font Foundry
Ray Larabie's Freeware Typeface of the Week - Unusual typeface font collection from Ray. Thanks Ray !
Chankstore Fonts - Creation of one whacked-out font designer, Chank Diesel.
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